Today’s “Today’s.”

Here are the todays for today~! :O

Song of the day:

Video of the day:

Picture of the day:

(If you get this, you’re awesome ;D )

Quote of the day:

“Why does Sea World have a seafood restaurant?? I’m halfway through my fish burger and I realize, Oh man….I could be eating a slow learner.”

-Lyndon B. Johnson.

.swf of the day:

How is babby formed?

Word of the day:

zeitgeist |ˈtsītˌgīst; ˈzīt-|noun [in sing. ]

-the defining spirit or mood of a particular period of history as shown by the ideas and beliefs of the time

(the story captured the zeitgeist of the late 1960s.)

On this day in history:

1827 Composer Ludwig van Beethoven died in Vienna, Austria, at age 56.
1874 Poet Robert Frost was born in San Francisco.
1885 The Eastman Dry Plate and Film Co. of Rochester, N.Y., manufactured the first commercial motion picture film.
1892 Poet Walt Whitman died at age 72.
1911 Playwright Tennessee Williams was born in Columbus, Miss.
1917 The Seattle Metropolitans became the first U.S. team to win the Stanley Cup as they defeated the Montreal Canadiens.
1964 The musical “Funny Girl,” starring Barbra Streisand, opened on Broadway.
1971 East Pakistan proclaimed its independence, taking the name Bangladesh.
1992 A judge in Indianapolis sentenced former heavyweight boxing champion Mike Tyson to six years in prison for raping a Miss Black America contestant.
1997 The bodies of 39 members of the Heaven’s Gate techno-religious cult who had committed suicide were found inside a mansion in Rancho Santa Fe, Calif.
1999 Dr. Jack Kevorkian was convicted of second-degree murder for giving a lethal injection to an ailing man whose death was shown on “60 Minutes.”
2000 Vladimir Putin was elected president of Russia.
2002 Arthur Andersen chief executive Joseph Berardino resigned, bowing to mounting pressure as a result of the accounting firm’s role in the Enron scandal.
2003 Former Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, D-N.Y., died at age 76.

There’s some of today’s stuff :3

(Shannon, I love you ❤ )


~ by azusaka110 on March 26, 2010.

One Response to “Today’s “Today’s.””

  1. I love your quote ❤ and your vid of the day xD

    -kiss- and I love you

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